Welcome to Equine Heath Direct.
An independent UK based company striving to provide the best prices for all of your horse's veterinary needs.
Run by a small dedicated team, our Equine Veterinary Surgeon has over 20 years clinical experience.
All products sourced from reputable UK companies.
Registered internet retailer of veterinary medicines by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or need any assistance and we'll be happy to help.
Use the upload link on the product page
Email it to info@equinehealthdirect.co.uk
Post your prescription to us.

Medication dispensed under control of Mr T.B Walters MBA BVSc MRCVS (RCVS no.
VMD Practice no. V9409.
Tom Walters Equine Ltd, trading as Equine Health Direct
Company no. 09237269. VAT no. 195 807 60. Registered Office: 20 Moorland Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1DW.